AdWriter helps you to effectively and efficiently target your audience!

Harold K. Douthit

The concept was developed over 30 years ago by Douthit Communications, Inc. chairman Harold K. Douthit, who commissioned marketing studies into homebuyer and homeseller behavior in the marketplace. This resulted in “smart” ads by identifying the buyers most likely to respond to a property’s unique features. The system-generated ads are written better, faster, as well as targeted to the buyer. These intuitive ads tell the story of each home while cutting costs, saving time, and increasing sales for corporate offices, large brokers, publishers, smaller offices and single agents.

The AdVantage System is used daily by over 1,500 real estate offices managing over 25,000 property listings. AdVantage is also being used directly by news media companies, providing high efficiency to allow a graphic artist to complete a full page ad in under an hour, which once took three days to produce.

It is no wonder AdWriter’s software has been called “the most important development in real estate in 50 years” by the Real Estate Review.

AdWriter is committed to excellence, fantastic customer service, and dedicated to being the leader in our industry. Please call us at 800.646.7323 or by email today to discover how AdWriter can help you take your sales to the next level.

“My office staff is over-worked with selecting which listings to put into advertising each week. Now, with AdWriter, they can easily choose listings by price or area and then track the number of times a house has been advertised.”

Office Manager at Florida brokerage